Proyek Kami

Analisis Tematik DATAin

No Judul Edisi
1 Pendidikan dan Kesehatan, Jembatan Keluar dari Jerat Kelas Menengah 2023.03-1
2 Menavigasi Kecukupan dan Literasi Gizi Rumah Tangga Petani 2023.03-2
3 Kontribusi Komoditas Pertanian pada Inflasi di Masa Ramadhan 2023.02-1

Publikasi BPS tentang Big Data

Analisis Big Data di Tengah Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru

Pengembangan pemanfaatan big data untuk mendukung penyediaan data dan informasi statistik di BPS terus dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan big data untuk melihat dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap berbagai aspek terpilih. Terkait dengan pandemi Covid-19 dan penerapan kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah dalam melawan Covid-19, beberapa informasi ...lihat detail

Publikasi Ilmiah tentang Big Data

Big Data Implementation for Price Statistics in Indonesia: Past, Current, and Future Developments

Penulis: Setia Pramana, Siti Mariyah, Takdir

Tahun: 2021


The rapid development of Big Data as result of increasing interactivity with online systems between humans (e.g., online shopping, marketplace) and machine (internet of things, mobile phone, etc.) has led to a measurement revolution. This massive data if being mined and analyzed correctly can provide valuable alternative data sources for official statistics, especially price statistics. Several studies for using diverse Big Data as new sources of price statistics in Indonesia have been initiated. This article would provide a comprehensive review of experiences in exploiting various Big Data sources for price statistics, followed by the current development and the near future plans. The development of system and IT infrastructure is also discussed. Based on this experience, limitations, challenges, and advances for each approach would be presented

Media Sosial tentang Big Data